When is the right time to change from a puppy diet to an adult diet?

Most brands of dog food produce lifestage diets. This means that the diets have been formulated to provide the right levels of nutrients to support your puppy as they grow to adulthood and later, as they become a mature and senior dog.


Small breed dogs tend to reach their adult size relatively early, while large and giant breed dogs may take much longer to get there. This needs to be reflected in the way we feed our dogs, in order to help them to grow at the correct rate and to develop lean muscle and healthy joints. Most small- to medium-breed dogs will be ready to transition to a food for young adults by about 10-12 months of age. For large and giant breed puppies, this dietary change isn’t normally appropriate until 12 to 18 months. Your vet team will be able to help you to choose the right time to phase in adult food.


You’ll already have worked out what types of food your puppy likes – perhaps you feed dry kibble or maybe they prefer a mixture of kibble and pouches. Just like with puppy food, there is a huge variety of adult dog food out there, so you should be able to find a diet your puppy enjoys as they grow into adulthood. You may decide to stick with the same brand as the puppy food you’re currently using, but it’s still a good time to take stock and make sure you’re providing your puppy with the best nutrition you can. So, how do you know which food to choose?

Post time: Mar-07-2024