01 importance of daily drug reserves

The epidemic spread rapidly. For people, it doesn’t matter to close the community. Anyway, there is a basic daily supply, but for pets at home, closing the community may be life-threatening.


How to face the epidemic period, the community may be closed at any time without drugs? In fact, we should store some standing medicines for pets at home. I believe that all friends must have some standing medicine at home to face the daily colds and headaches, and pets are the same. Scientific feeding and careful care does not mean that they will not get sick, but try not to have serious diseases. It’s normal for pets to catch a cold because of the cold wave and the wind and snow recently.

02 standing antiemetic and antidiarrheal drugs

The daily home standby drugs for pets can generally be divided into two types: 1 for urgent use and 2 for long-term use of serious diseases. Pet owners can put them in a small box at home according to their classification. Special attention should be paid to that drugs should not be used casually. The standby drugs should only be used when needed according to the doctor’s instructions and weight calculation. In addition, there may be interaction and adverse reactions between drugs and drugs, and may cause toxicity. Do not use drugs without permission to avoid small lesions and serious diseases.

Pet owners will know what to eat for long-term chronic diseases. Let’s just talk about the commonly used drugs to deal with acute symptoms, including antidiarrheal drugs, antiemetic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, hemostatic drugs, trauma drugs, topical and skin diseases.

The most commonly used antidiarrheal drug is montmorillonite powder, which is used for pet diarrhea, especially enteritis caused by bacteria, pancreatitis, parvovirus, cat plague and so on. However, the function of this medicine is to stop diarrhea and reduce the probability of dehydration. It does not treat the disease itself. The medicine is calculated according to body weight to avoid diarrhea from becoming constipation. You also need to take laxatives.


There are many kinds of antiemetic drugs, such as sarenin and zhituling for pets, but metoclopramide is the most commonly used, which is cheap and convenient to eat. However, it is recommended that pets stop bleeding before use.


Hemostatic drugs are essential for every family. Who hasn’t bumped yet. Yunnan Baiyao capsule and anluoxue tablet are necessary at home. Anluoxue is not easy to buy. Some pharmacies may not have them. Yunnan Baiyao capsule is the most common.

Trauma drugs are mainly some epidermal anti-inflammatory drugs and bandages, such as the most common iodophor, alcohol, cotton swabs, and most non serious wounds. It is not recommended to bandage with gauze, but it is also possible to put a vaseline gauze that does not stick to the skin at home.

03 standing anti-inflammatory drugs

Anti inflammatory drugs are the most important and the most important drugs that pet owners need to prepare. Common anti-inflammatory drugs are mainly aimed at the cold of respiratory system and the inflammation of digestive system. The most common drugs include amoxicillin (PET drug Suono), metronidazole tablets and gentamicin sulfate, which can basically deal with 70% of inflammation. However, all anti-inflammatory drugs should not be used casually by pet owners. They must not be used indiscriminately. Each anti-inflammatory drug has specific diseases and inflammation, and has great adverse reactions or side effects. If used correctly, it may cure the disease, and if used incorrectly, it may accelerate death.


Because of the epidemic situation, anti-inflammatory drugs are strictly controlled in closed areas, so this should be prepared as early as possible. Gentamicin sulfate is not available in many cities. It belongs to veterinary medicine, and the price is very cheap, so you can only buy it online. You can save a box of more than 10 yuan at home every day, even if it is useless for a year.

As important as anti-inflammatory drugs are dermatological drugs. There are many kinds of dermatoses, and each drug is different. There is absolutely no drug that can be used for all kinds of dermatoses. You can think about which human dermatological drugs can treat fungi, bacteria, dermatitis, eczema, etc? Therefore, drugs for common skin diseases should be kept at home normally. As mentioned in the previous article, except that parasites need to be removed regularly, most of the other skin diseases are treated with targeted ointment. For example, ketoconazole ointment is the same, and the effect of jindakning is far better than that of general miscellaneous ketoconazole pet drugs; The medicines that general pet families need to prepare include: dakenin ointment, mupirocin ointment and piyanping ointment (red and green are for different diseases). For simple skin diseases, unless they have spread to the late stage of the whole body, generally these four ointments can be recovered. According to the frequency of use, dakning and mupirocin will probably use the ointments. However, skin diseases are the same. First diagnose what the problem is, and then use drugs rationally. Don’t try all kinds of drugs indiscriminately.


To sum up, generally speaking, the standing drugs for pet families include: montmorillonite powder, metoclopramide, Yunnan Baiyao (anluoxue), iodophor alcohol, cotton swab, amoxicillin (Sunuo), metronidazole tablets, gentamicin sulfate injection, dakning ointment and mupirocin ointment. Thermometer and scale are also necessary items at home. Each medication needs to be determined according to the weight. Again, don’t use drugs without permission. You must use drugs according to the drug instructions after diagnosing the disease.

Post time: Nov-15-2021