If you want the golden retriever to become more beautiful, you must pay attention to its food.

   1. Appropriately supplement meat for dogs

Many excrement shovelers feed golden retrievers the staple food is dog food. Although dog food can supplement the relevant nutritional needs of dogs, it is still difficult to meet the nutritional needs of dogs by only feeding dog food for a long time, so dont forget to give it to dogs at ordinary times. Feed some meat to your dog, remember not to feed raw meat, because there are likely to be many parasites in raw meat.

2. Proper feeding of egg yolk


If you want the hair of the golden retriever to be brighter and more beautiful, you can feed it some egg yolks at ordinary times. The egg yolks must be cooked before feeding, because there are also parasites in raw egg yolks. When feeding egg yolks, you must feed them properly. , Do not feed too much at one time, so as to avoid indigestion in dogs.

3. Fresh fruits and vegetables should not be less

In addition to feeding the above foods, the usual fresh fruits and vegetables are also indispensable. Vegetables and fruits can not only promote the digestion of dogs, but also supplement relevant nutrients, so they should be fed properly at ordinary times. But remember that it is best not to eat some irritating vegetables, such as white radish, onion, pepper and so on.

Post time: Aug-19-2023