
1. Diuretics.

Since diuretic drugs can cause uterine dehydration and lead to embryo detachment, furosemide is contraindicated in sows in the first trimester (within 45 days).


2. Antipyretic analgesics.

Butazone is highly toxic and can easily cause gastrointestinal reactions, liver and kidney damage. Sodium salicylate and aspirin have anticoagulant effects and are easy to induce miscarriage, so they should be disabled. Other antipyretic drugs can be applied according to the amount, and the dosage cannot be increased at will.


3. Antibiotics.

Streptomycin is highly toxic to the fetus and can easily lead to weak babies, so it should be avoided as much as possible; Ticosin injection is extremely penetrating to the placenta and can easily lead to miscarriage, so such drugs should be banned.


4. Hormonal drugs.

Drugs such as testosterone propionate, diethylstilbestrol, prostaglandin, and dexamethasone can easily lead to miscarriage and should be disabled. However, hydrocortisone can be used as appropriate.


5. Cholinergic drugs.

Drugs such as carbamoylcholine, trichlorfon, and trichlorfon can easily lead to increased uterine smooth muscle excitability, and such drugs should be banned.


6. Uterine contractions.

Drugs such as oxytocin and vasopressin can cause miscarriage or premature birth in pregnant sows, and such drugs should be banned.


7. Antihypertensive drugs.

For example, the placenta penetrating power of drugs such as reserpentine is extremely strong, which can easily lead to miscarriage. Such drugs should be banned for pregnant animals.


8. Certain Chinese medicines.

Such as safflower, angelica, etc., have the effect of stimulating the uterus, which is easy to cause miscarriage and premature birth; rhubarb, Glauber’s salt, and croton can stimulate the intestinal reflex to induce strong uterine contractions, resulting in abortion and premature labor, so they are not suitable for use.

Post time: May-25-2022