Many cat owners have noticed that cats occasionally spit white foam, yellow slime, or grains of undigested cat food. So what caused these? What can we do? When should we take my cat to pet hospital?
 I know you are panic and anxious now, so I will analyze those conditions and tell you how to do.

If there is undigested cat food in the cats’s vomit, it may be caused by the following reasons. First, eating too much or too quickly, then running and playing immediately after eating, which will result in poor digestion. Second, the newly changed cat foods contain allergens that results in cat intolerance.
▪ Solutions:
If this condition occurs occasionally, it is recommended to reduce feeding, feed probiotics to your cat, and observe its mental state and eating condition.

2.Vomit with parasites
If there are parasites in cat’s vomit, it is beacuse there are too many parasites in cat’s body.
▪ Solutions
Pet owners should take cats to pets hospital, then deworm cats regularly.

3.Vomit with hair
If there are long strips of hair in cat’s vomit, it is because that cats lick their hair to clean themselves that leads to excessive hair accumulated in digestive tract.
▪ Solutions
Pet owners can comb your cats more, feed them hairball remedy or grow some catnip at home.

4.Yellow or green vomit with white foam
White foam is gastric juice and yellow or green liquid is bile. If your cat dosen’t eat for a long time, a lot of stomach acid will be produced that will cause vomiting.
▪ Solutions
Pet owners should give appropriate food and observe the cat’s appetite. If the cat retches for a long time and has no appetite, please send it to the hospital in time.

5.Vomit with blood
If the vomit is blood liquid or with bloodshot, it is because that the esophagus has been burned by stomach acid!
▪ Solutions
Seek medical attention immediately.

 All in all, don’t panic when your cat vomits. Watch the vomit and the cat carefully, and choose the most correct treatment.


Post time: Oct-18-2022