Deciphering dog behavior: The original behavior is an apology




1.Lick your host’s hand or face


Dogs often lick their owners’ hands or faces with their tongues, which is considered a sign of affection and trust. When a dog makes a mistake or is upset, they may approach their owner and gently lick their hand or face with their tongue to apologize and seek comfort. This behavior reflects the dog’s dependence on the owner and the desire to get the owner’s forgiveness and care.

2.Squat or low


When dogs feel scared, anxious, or guilty, they tend to crouch or lower their posture. This gesture indicates that the dog is upset and insecure, possibly because his behavior has provoked resentment or punishment from his owner. By adopting a low posture, the dog tries to convey to the owner that he is sorry and wants to be forgiven.


3. Make eye contact

Eye contact between a dog and its owner is an important form of communication and is often interpreted as an expression of emotion. When a dog makes a mistake or feels guilty, they may initiate eye contact with their owner and give off a soft, sad look. This kind of eye contact shows that the dog is aware of his mistake and wants understanding and forgiveness from his owner


4.Be close and snuggle


Dogs often take the initiative to approach and snuggle with their owners when they feel upset or guilty. They may cling to their owner’s leg or sit on their owner’s lap in an attempt to express their apology and desire for comfort through physical contact. This kind of close and snuggling behavior reflects the dog’s dependence and trust on the owner, as well as the expression of the owner’s emotions


5. Offer toys or food


Some dogs offer their toys or treats when they feel guilty or want to appease their owners. This behavior has been interpreted as an attempt by the dog to express apology and seek forgiveness from its owner by offering its belongings. Dogs see their toys or treats as gifts, hoping to relieve their owners’ dissatisfaction and restore harmony between them

Post time: Apr-19-2024