How different is owning a dog from owning a cat?

I Appearance-level aspect

If you are a person who demands a high level of appearance, which is what we now call “face control”, Xiaobian suggests that you get a cat is the most suitable. Because the cat is definitely the appearance level of the pet industry, there is a legend that “the cat is turned into nine beautiful women”, this appearance level is simply outrageous, and it is definitely the only choice for “Yan control” people to get a pet.

But if it is very unfortunate that your “yan control” is allergic to cat hair or does not like cats, then Xiaobian recommends that you buy a small and medium-sized Pomeranian, and the appearance level is also extremely high!


II Feeding aspect

  1. In terms of diet, there is no particular difference between raising dogs and cats. Yes, you need to prepare a bowl of water. In terms of food, dogs should be fed dog food and cats should be fed cat food. Dogs love the bones left over from the meat they usually eat, but owners must be careful not to feed chicken bones to their dogs! Because chicken bones are hollow, it is easy to injure your dog. As for cats, they have to compete with the shit scraper for food. When the shit scraper eats fish, don’t forget to leave a bite for our cat!
  2. As for exercise, everyone knows that dogs are very energetic, and they become more diligent as they run around. Many times the dog is exhausted, and the dog is still running around, trying to lose weight through exercise. But friends who can’t hold on must buy a dog. Of course, friends who don’t have a lot of time are not recommended to buy a dog. Friends who don’t have a lot of time can consider buying a cat. As we all know, cats are very curious. You don’t need to let them go. They will start moving on their own at the slightest sign of trouble.
  3. In character

Dogs are very easy-going and extroverted animals who like to be lively and playful; cats are very arrogant and introverted animals. Cats like silence the most. Friends who want to become a poop scooper should choose according to their preferences!

Post time: Sep-27-2023