In summer, when it is overcast, a new round of intestinal problems such as diarrhea, enteritis, overfeeding, yellow and white dysentery have begun to break out. Thinning and diarrhea will eventually lead to white and brittle eggshell, which will seriously affect the breeding income. As the saying goes: “raising chickens without intestines is like doing nothing!” Especially poultry belong to rectum, feed utilization rate is low, if there are intestinal problems, breeding cost will be higher!

The causes of layer diarrhea are complex and diverse, the author will sort out the most comprehensive cause analysis into chapters, hoping to help you farmers, find out the causes when encountering problems, and provide targeted management and medication. The diarrhea of laying hens mainly includes seasonal diarrhea, physiological diarrhea and disease diarrhea.

01 Seasonal diarrhea

In summer, due to high temperature and high humidity, the chickens have no sweat glands, and the chickens will cool down by drinking a lot of water. The feces contain a lot of water, which leads to the imbalance of material water ratio, resulting in watery feces, enteritis, overfeeding, yellow and white dysentery, etc.

02 physiological diarrhea

Physiological diarrhea often occurs in 110-160 days or so, as well as high egg rate chickens. At this time, laying hens enter the laying period, with frequent stress such as parturition and immunity, and the impact of high temperature in summer is more serious.

Stress at the beginning of labor

Due to the development of reproductive organs and the rapid change of hormone level during the first production period of chicken flock, there will be physiological stress, and the intestinal tract must meet the body’s demand for various nutrients through more concentrated digestion.

Feed factor

The increase of protein content in feed leads to the change of intestinal environment, increases the burden of intestines and stomach, and aggravates the burden of liver and kidney, which affects the digestion and absorption of nutrients in feed, and aggravates diarrhea. In addition, moldy feed can also aggravate the disease.

Influence of stone powder

When the amount of stone powder is too high and too fast in laying period, the intestinal mucosa is damaged and the intestinal flora is disordered; In addition, the increase of blood calcium concentration will aggravate the burden of kidney and diarrhea.

03 Disease diarrhea

Bacterial infection, viral diseases and intestinal acid-base imbalance and other common diseases of laying hens can lead to diarrhea and other intestinal problems.

bacterial infection

Bacteria can cause enteritis, such as Salmonella, Clostridium aeroformans and so on. They can damage the intestinal mucosa by stimulation. At the same time, inflammation can accelerate the speed of intestinal peristalsis and excessive excretion of digestive juice, resulting in dyspepsia.

Viral diseases

Newcastle disease is an acute highly contagious disease caused by Newcastle disease virus. The main characteristics of sick chickens are dyspnea, dysentery, neurological disorders, mucosal and serosal bleeding, hemorrhagic cellulosic necrotizing enteritis and so on.

Intestinal acid-base imbalance

Due to the imbalance of intestinal flora caused by season, feed, pathogenic microorganisms and other reasons, beneficial bacteria reduce the number of harmful bacteria, and because the intestinal tract is in an anaerobic environment at this time, Clostridium welchii, Clostridium Enterobacter and other anaerobic bacteria multiply in large numbers, harmful bacteria and coccidia coordinate with each other and strengthen the pathogenicity, especially Escherichia coli and Salmonella can aggravate the pathogenicity.

Diarrhea is a great threat to the growth and income of laying hens

1. The decrease of feed intake has a great influence on body weight

Low feed intake and insufficient nutrient intake lead to slow weight growth of laying hens and affect laying rate and late laying.

2. Poor absorption and insufficient reserve of calcium

The early peak period is the main period for the body to store calcium. Diarrhea leads to insufficient absorption and loss of calcium, which leads to the body to use its own bone calcium to provide calcium for egg production. For the chicken with bent keel and paralyzed chicken, the death rate increases, and the proportion of sand eggs and soft eggs increases.

3. Poor nutrition absorption

Diarrhea results in dehydration, nutrient absorption is blocked, so that the body’s resistance to disease is significantly reduced, immune and other stress resistance is poor, and it is easy to secondary to prenatal colibacillosis. If measures are not taken in time, the death rate and drug cost will increase.

Understand the causes and hazards of diarrhea and other intestinal problems in laying hens, prevention and control measures are essential, otherwise breeding is equal to white breeding, blindly busy! The prevention and control measures of summer chicken diarrhea can be carried out in three aspects: nutrition regulation, feeding management and targeted medication.

01 Nutrition regulation

The formula of high nutrition concentration in summer should be used for prenatal feed, and the body weight should be controlled about 5% more than the standard body weight, so as to reserve sufficient physical strength for peak egg production.

When the feed was changed from the pre production period to the laying period, the transition time of feed was increased (from 100 to 105 days), the concentration of calcium was gradually increased, the damage to intestinal mucosa was reduced, and the stability of intestinal flora was maintained.

In order to promote and maintain the balance of intestinal beneficial bacteria, the diet should be supplemented with multi-dimensional vitamin A, vitamin E and sodium bicarbonate to improve the ability of anti stress, oligosaccharides and other products to absorb harmful bacteria and increase beneficial bacteria.

02 Feeding management regulation

Do a good job in ventilation management. Maintain 21-24 ℃, reduce heat stress;

Set the time of adding light reasonably. In the first two times, the light was added in the morning, when the weather was cool, which was conducive to the feeding of chickens.

Do a good job of monitoring. Record the proportion of diarrhea every day, timely understand the diarrhea situation of chickens, and take timely measures.

Chicken management. In order to recover as soon as possible and eliminate the chickens without feeding value in time, the chickens with severe wilting and diarrhea in large groups were selected and raised and treated separately.

03 Targeted medication

When the symptoms of diarrhea, must be targeted medication, disease-specific treatment. At present, anti-inflammatory drugs are strictly prohibited in our country, and non anti-inflammatory traditional Chinese medicine can be used for treatment, or microecological agents can be used to regulate the intestinal tract.

Post time: Sep-18-2021