
This article is dedicated to all pet owners who treat their pets patiently and carefully. Even if they leave, they will feel your love.

01 the number of pets with renal failure is increasing year by year


Acute renal failure is partially reversible, but chronic renal failure is completely irreversible. Pet owners can do only three things:


1: Do a good job in every detail of life, and try not to let pets have renal failure except accidents;

2: Acute renal failure, early examination, early treatment, do not hesitate, do not delay;

3: The earlier the chronic renal failure is found and treated, the longer the living time is;

02 Why is renal failure difficult to recover


There are two main reasons why renal failure is terrible and difficult to treat:

1: As mentioned before, except that acute renal failure caused by poisoning and local ischemia may be reversed, the rest are irreversible. Once the real renal function injury is difficult to recover, and there is no real drug for pet renal failure in the world, all of which are nutrients and supplements;

2: We all know that the kidney is a reserved organ of our body, that is, we have two kidneys. If one is damaged, the body can still function normally, and we won’t feel disease. The kidney only shows symptoms when nearly 75% of its function is lost, which is why renal failure is more or less late when it is found, and there are few treatment options available.


When the renal function is lost by 50%, the internal environment is still stable, and it is almost impossible to detect problems; The loss of renal function is 50-67%, the concentration capacity is lost, the biochemical value will not change, and the body will not show performance, but some prospective tests, such as SDMA, will increase; The loss of renal function was 67-75%, and there was no obvious performance in the body, but the biochemical urea nitrogen and creatinine began to rise; More than 75% of renal function loss is defined as renal failure and advanced uremia.

The most obvious manifestation of acute renal failure is the rapid reduction of pet urine, which is why I require every pet owner to observe the urine volume of his pet every day. This is very difficult for pet owners who often let cats and dogs go out freely, so it is often the last moment for these pets to get sick.

03 some patients with acute renal failure may recover


Although the acute renal failure in renal failure has rapid onset and acute symptoms, it is still possible to recover, so it is very important to avoid the occurrence of acute renal failure and find the cause of the disease. Acute renal failure is mostly caused by local ischemia, urinary system blockage and poisoning.

For example, 20% of the blood supply to the heart is to the kidney, while 90% of the blood of the kidney passes through the renal cortex, so this part is most vulnerable to ischemia and poison induced damage. Therefore, we often find that kidney and heart diseases are often interrelated. When one is bad, the other organ will be vulnerable and prone to disease. Common causes of renal failure caused by ischemia include severe dehydration, massive bleeding and burns.


If dehydration, bleeding and burns are not easy to happen, the most common inducement of acute renal failure in daily life is acute renal failure caused by urinary system blockage. It is often bladder and urethral stones, crystal blockage, urethritis, swelling and blockage of urinary catheter. The blockage causes urinary tract accumulation, blocked glomerular filtration, increased non protein nitrogen in blood, resulting in glomerular basement membrane necrosis. This situation is easy to judge. As long as the urine is closed for more than 24 hours, we must test biochemistry to ensure that there is no occurrence of renal failure. This kind of renal failure is also the only renal failure that can completely recover in a few days, but if delayed, it is likely to aggravate the disease or turn into chronic renal failure in a few days.

More subspecies of acute renal failure is caused by poisoning. Eating grapes every day is one, and the most is the incorrect use of drugs. In the water and electrolyte of reabsorbed glomerular filtration fluid, renal tubular epithelial cells are exposed to increasing concentrations of poisons. The secretion or reabsorption of poisons by renal tubular epithelial cells may make poisons accumulate to a high concentration in cells. In some cases, the toxicity of metabolites is stronger than that of precursor compounds. The key drug here is “gentamicin”. Gentamicin is a commonly used gastrointestinal anti-inflammatory drug, but it has great nephrotoxicity. In most cases, even in the hospital, if the diagnosis and treatment are improper, it is easy to cause toxic induced acute renal failure.


I strongly recommend that pet owners try not to inject gentamicin when they have a choice. In addition, pets with bad kidneys need to pay attention to medication. Most anti-inflammatory drugs will indicate renal insufficiency in contraindications. Use with caution, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, antipyretics, analgesics, etc.

04 chronic renal failure needs patient care

Different from acute renal failure, chronic renal failure is almost difficult to find, and there are no obvious symptoms in the early stage of onset. Maybe there will be more urine than normal, but we can’t judge in our daily life that it is due to the increase of urine volume caused by hot weather, more activities and dry food. In addition, it is difficult to determine the cause of chronic renal failure. At present, what can be used as a reference is glomerular diseases, such as nephritis, innate genetic nephropathy, urethral obstruction, or chronic renal failure without timely treatment.

If acute renal failure can also accelerate the recovery by increasing the supply of drinking water, subcutaneous injection of water, dialysis and other methods to metabolize toxins and reduce the burden on the kidney. There is no way to restore renal function in chronic renal failure. The only thing we can do is to reduce the speed of renal injury and prolong the life of pets through scientific feeding and some nutrients, such as calcium supplement, erythropoietin use, eating prescription food and reducing protein intake. Another thing to note is that many renal failure will be accompanied by decreased pancreatic function, and even pancreatitis, which also needs attention.


The best way to deal with chronic renal failure is to find it early. The earlier it is found, the better the living state can be maintained. For cats, when the biochemical tests of urea nitrogen, creatinine and phosphorus are normal, SDMA can be checked regularly once a year to determine whether there is initial chronic renal failure. However, this test is not accurate for dogs. It was not until 2016 in the United States that we began to study whether this test can be used on dogs. Because the test value is very different from that of cats, it can not be used as a diagnostic index for dogs in the early stage of chronic renal failure. For example, 25 is the end of phase 2 or even the beginning of phase 3 of chronic renal failure for cats, For dogs, some scholars believe that even within the range of health.


Chronic renal failure of cats and dogs does not mean death, so pet owners should take care of them patiently and carefully with a peaceful attitude. The rest depends on their fate. A cat I gave to my colleagues before was found to have chronic renal failure at the age of 13. It was fed scientifically with drugs on time. By the age of 19, except for some aging of bones and intestines and stomach, the rest are very good.

In the face of pet kidney failure, pet owners have few choices to make, so as long as they actively treat, raise and eat scientifically within their ability, it is very, very difficult or even almost impossible to completely restore the normal value. It is good to have creatinine and urea nitrogen in the normal range and slightly higher. It is their blessing to recover, If you finally leave, the pet owner will try his best. Life is always reincarnating. Maybe they will come back to you again soon, as long as you are willing to believe.

Post time: Sep-27-2021