What should We Do if Pet is Anemic?

What are the causes of anemia?

Pet anemia is something that many friends have encountered. The appearance is that the gum becomes shallow, the physical strength becomes weak, the cat is sleepy and afraid of cold, and the nose of the cat changes from pink to pale white. The diagnosis is very simple. The blood routine test shows that the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin are lower than the normal value, and the oxygen delivery capacity of red blood cells is reduced.

Anemia sometimes has little impact on health. Scientific feeding and healthy diet can restore health, but other serious anemia may even lead to death of pets. When many friends and even doctors say anemia, they immediately think of eating blood tonic cream and drinking blood tonic liquid. In most cases, it does not work very well. We need to start with the root cause of anemia.

There are many causes of anemia, but the most common causes of anemia in our pets are as follows:

1.Hemorrhagic anemia;

2.Nutritional anemia;

3.Hemolytic anemia;

4. Hematopoietic dysfunction anemia;

Hemorrhagic and nutritional anemia


Hemorrhagic anemia is the most common anemia caused by external causes, and the risk is measured according to the degree of bleeding. As the name implies, anemia caused by haemorrhage is caused by bleeding, including chronic bleeding caused by intestinal parasites sucking blood, gastrointestinal ulcers, foreign body scratches, cystitis and bladder stones; The corresponding is the dangerous acute bleeding caused by surgery or trauma, such as massive bleeding and uterine bleeding.

In the face of hemorrhagic anemia, it is not very effective to simply supplement blood or even transfuse blood. The important thing is to stop bleeding from the root, expel insects on time, observe stool and urine, take anti-inflammatory and hemostatic drugs orally, and repair the wound immediately if it is acute bleeding.


Nutritional anemia is also the iron deficiency anemia we often talk about, mainly because the nutrition content in the diet is relatively low. After all, dogs and people are different. They can not get enough nutrition through grains and grains. If they eat less meat, they will suffer from anemia caused by lack of protein, and if they lack vitamins, they will suffer from vitamin B deficiency. Many dogs raised in rural areas often suffer from such anemia because they eat leftovers from people. In addition, why do many friends still have nutritional anemia when they eat dog food for their dogs? This is because the quality of dog food is uneven. Many dog food has not undergone repeated research and development tests, but only copied the values and ingredients. Even many OEM factories pasted a formula into many brands for sale. It is also very normal to suffer from malnutrition when eating such food. The recovery method is very simple. Eat time tested pet food of large brands and stay away from miscellaneous brands.


Hemolytic and aplastic anemia


Hemolytic anemia is generally caused by relatively serious diseases, and it may be life-threatening if not treated in time. The most common causes of hemolytic anemia are babe filariasis, blood Bartonella disease, onion or other chemical poisoning. Babe filariasis has been discussed in many articles before. It is a blood disease infected by tick bites. The main manifestations are severe anemia, hematuria and jaundice, and the mortality rate is close to 40%. The treatment cost is also very expensive. A friend used more than 20000 yuan to treat the dog, and finally died. The treatment of filariasis babesi is very complicated. I have written some articles before, so I won’t repeat them here. Prevention is better than treatment. The best prevention is to do a good job in external insect repellent to avoid tick bites.

Cats and dogs often eat things indiscriminately in daily life, and green onions are the most common food that can be poisoned. Many friends often give some to cats and dogs when they eat steamed stuffed buns or pies. Green onions contain an alkaloid, which causes red blood cells to be easily damaged by oxidation, causing a large number of Heinz’s corpuscles to form in red blood cells. After a large number of red blood cells are broken, anemia is caused, and red urine and hematuria occur. For cats and dogs, there are a lot of toxic substances that can cause anemia like green onions and onions. In fact, there is no good treatment after poisoning. Only targeted cardiotonic, diuretic, electrolyte balance and water supplement can accelerate metabolism, and hope to recover as soon as possible.


Aplastic anemia is the most serious anemia disease. It is often caused by weakening or even failure of hematopoietic function, such as renal failure and leukemia. After detailed examination, the primary disease should be corrected and supportive treatment should be assisted.

In addition to some anemia caused by malignant tumors, most anemia can recover well. Simple blood supplement and blood transfusion can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, delaying the diagnosis and recovery of the disease.

Post time: Sep-08-2022