Olive Egger

An Olive Egger is not a true chicken breed; it’s a mix of a dark brown egg layer and a blue egg layer. Most Olive Eggers are a mix of Marans chicken and Araucanas, where Marans lay dark brown eggs, and Araucanas lay light blue eggs.


Egg Color

Crossbreeding these chickens results in a species that lays olive-colored, green eggs. The Olive Egger is a unique hybrid bird that is highly popular due to its excellent egg-laying skills and lovely-looking eggs. Depending on the strain of your Olive Egger, their eggs can be light green to almost white and very dark avocado color.

Egg Laying Skills

Olive Eggers are great egg layers, laying up to 3 to 5 eggs per week. All eggs are green-colored and large in size. They’re not particularly known for their broodiness, which is great if you’re not planning to hatch chicks. Olive Eggers are quite hardy chickens; they’ll keep on laying during winter months, although egg production may slow down. You’ll be enjoying their lovely colored eggs almost year-round.


Post time: Nov-07-2023