
Cats are very popular pets. Although they are “cute”, they are not “stupid”. Their dexterous bodies are invincible. No matter how high the cabinet top or how small the container is, they can become their temporary “playground”.

They sometimes “pester” you and sometimes ignore your love. For the excrement shoveling officer, each kitten has its own unique personality, which is sometimes really elusive.

In fact, like humans and other animals, there are stable personality and behavior differences between cats.

Through analysis, the researchers summarized them into five personality characteristics and two behavioral characteristics:

Active / active

Fear type

Aggressive to humans

Human friendly

Cat friendly

Cat litter barrier type (e.g. refuse to use cat litter or will not use it)

Over carding type

Specifically, the most obvious fear type is the Russian blue cat.


The least obvious fear type is the Abyssinian cat.


Bengal cats are the most active species.


Persian and exotic short haired cats are the least active species.


The most obvious species of over combing type are Siamese cat and Bali cat.

Pet-Cats7 Pet-Cats8

Turkish Vatican cats scored higher in attacking humans and lower in being friendly to cats.


Post time: Sep-30-2021