Cat toe cat ringworm how to deal with?



Tinea on the toes of the cat is to be treated in time, because the cat tinea spreads quickly, if the cat scratches the body with its PAWS, it will be transmitted to the body. If the owner does not know how to deal with cat ringworm, you can refer to the following methods.

 1. Pay attention to environmental problems

If the ground is always wet and the cat’s PAWS are always wet, it is easy to get ringworm, and the wet environment is easy to spread the cat ringworm. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the room dry during the period, and to keep the room transparent and ventilated, if the room is easy to damp, it is recommended to place a dehumidifier in the room to reduce moisture, if the cat’s PAWS are wet, to dry in time. And to disinfect the indoor environment, eliminate the residual fungi in the environment, focus on cleaning the cattery, and cat supplies.

 2. Shave and clean the affected area

Remove the hair on the cat’s paw where the ringworm is growing. It is recommended to shave the hair on the whole paw for easy observation and reveal the complete circle spot. It is recommended that the owner wrap the cat’s body in a towel to prevent it from moving when shaving its feet. Then wet the cotton swab with alcohol, wipe the affected area to clean and disinfect, wipe 2 to 3 times a day.

 3. Keep using meow to get full

After cleaning your toes and getting ready to meow full, spray directly on the affected area. It is recommended to spray some all over the cat’s paw or wet it with a cotton ball. Meow to full every day to adhere to the use, can not be interrupted, need to use 4 to 5 times a day, it is better to use after applying alcohol. During this period, the cat needs to wear a hood and do not let the cat lick its PAWS.

 4. Enhanced nutritional supplement

The reason why the cat is easy to grow cat ringworm, mainly because of poor physique, during the period should give the cat more nutrition, improve the cat’s physique. You can add more vitamins to the cat, mix some home interest complex vitamin B powder in the food, you can also feed some meat and canned cat.

Post time: Nov-21-2023