
After poultry disease, how do you judge the disease according to the symptoms,Now summarize the following poultry common and coping symptoms, appropriate treatment, the effect will be better. 

inspection item

anomalous change Tips for major diseases

drinking water

A surge in drinking water Long-term water shortage, heat stress, early coccidiosis, too much salt in feed, other febrile diseases
Significantly reduced water intake Too low temperature, frequent death



Red coccidiosis
White sticky Dysentery, gout, urate metabolism disorder
sulfur granule Histotrichomoniasis (black head)
Yellowish green with mucus The chicken new city disease, the poultry is aborted, the cartesian leucosis and so on
wishy-washy Excessive drinking water, excessive magnesium ion in feed, rotavirus infection, etc

course of disease

sudden death Poultry abortion, carsoniasis, poisoning
Dead between noon and midnight heatstroke
Neurological symptoms and motor disorders, paralysis, one foot forward and the other back marek’s disease 
Chicks are paralyzed at the age of one month infectious bulbar paralysi 
Twist the neck, look up at the sky, forward and backward movement in a circle Newcastle disease, vitamin E and selenium deficiency, vitamin B1 deficiency
Neck paralysis, tiled floor sausage poisoning
Paralysis of the feet and curl of the toes Vitamin B deficiency 
Leg bone is bent, movement disorder, joint enlargement Vitamin D deficiency, calcium and phosphorus deficiency, viral arthritis, mycoplasma synovium, staphylococcus disease, manganese deficiency, choline deficiency
paralysis Cage-reared chicken fatigue, vitamin E selenium deficiency, insect-borne disease, viral disease, Newcastle disease
Highly excited, constantly running and screaming Litterine poisoning, other poisoning early

Post time: Jan-17-2022