

What’ s the vitamin that makes animal healthy?

-Special vitamins for all livestock-pigs, cattle, sheep and poultry

Vitamin is a low molecular organic compound necessary for the normal physiological function of livestock and poultry. To livestock and poultry vitamin supplement, can enhance livestock and poultry constitution, improve disease resistance, promote livestock and poultry rapid growth and fattening, increase appetite, prevent a variety of vitamin deficiency disease. Here is the introduction — compound multidimensional

【 Main Ingredients 】
Vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, glucose, etc

【 Function 】
1. Supplement vitamins and amino acids
Supplement the body’s normal physiological function needs a variety of vitamins and amino acids;
2. Clearing heat and relieving heat, preventing heat stress
Clearing away heat and relieving heat, preventing sunstroke, heat stress and various stress reactions in summer;
3. Improve immunity
Enhance the body immunity, is conducive to livestock and poultry disease after rapid recovery, rapid growth;
4. Promote growth
Increase growth rate, improve meat quality, improve feed conversion rate, shorten the breeding cycle;
5. Increase your appetite:
Increase appetite, alleviate the proportion of fine and crude is too large and lead to overfeed (feed with excrement);
6. Prevention of vitamin deficiency:
Prevent growth retardation and stunting caused by vitamin deficiency.


Post time: Sep-07-2021